Saturday, March 17, 2012

Local Master

I was cruising on Craiglist this morning and found an entry, fish shaped by local Hall of Famer Bill Curry.  It listed his board brand, LocalSol.  Quick google and saaanapp, .  I first met Bill when he owned Winter Park Schwinn.  It had bikes and surfboards in the store, I was neck deep in playing Ultimate at UNCW at the time and surfing wasn't really on my radar but i thought wow bike and surfboards, sweet store and a great guy.  I bought a Trek 850 from him in 1989, still have it. 

Bill is one of Wrightsville Beaches local legends.  If you get to see him ride a longboard you will know why, oh he kills it on a shortboard too.  AND he builds and rides his own backyard boards.  Gotta LOVE it.

bill getting at it
hijacked off blog hope it's okay