Thursday, January 27, 2011

just missed it

margaret mccallister in the fog


S wind blowing it out
The report was chest to head high with a hard S wind from 3am through out the day.  Got the call to work early yesterday morning and didn't mind because of the forecast.  At 5am there was not a stitch of wind on the river and it was crazy foggy, less than half mile visibility.  I knew if the swell was there it would be like last week.  The entire ride down river, working and the ride back was foggy, not a bit of wind.  Dreaming of a swell that I was going to miss because the fog had slowed everything down.  The Margaret shot was taken from about 300 yards.  As we approached the marina the sun broke out and the wind came up hard.  I decided to go look at the beach with wetsuit on.  It was 12:45 by the time I got to JM's and the SW wind was blowing it out but I got 45mins before I had to leave for other obligations.  I hope somebody got it good,  I just missed it.